Thursday, June 12, 2008

May Garden

I don't have much to say today. Just wanted to share some pictures of one of my latest preoccupations. On the other hand, maybe there is nothing more profound than watching seeds grow into plants; plants that nourish our bodies and our souls. I know that after this winter-that-seemed-to-never-end, Jim and I have been watching over these little ones like expectant parents. We couldn't be more excited if we were first graders watching our very first seeds germinate. I'm sorry I'm not a better photographer or blog designer. I had trouble getting things to line up properly on the page, etc., so I hope you'll bear with me and just have fun looking at the transformation of the garden - that's for all you city folk who aren't knee-deep in weeding yourselves, of course.

May 10 (Left)

June 9 (Left)

May 10 Center

Our landlord decided in late May to plant three small spruce trees between each patio, and as you can see, it made a world of difference. Somehow, our space seems bigger and fuller now, more private and cozier. We love them. Plus we have several new pots, which is always nice. I kind of wish we had taken pictures the day we bought the pots that are now on the table (last pictures) and filled those and the long lettuce boxes with seeds. It was a cold and windy day, but we were so happy to finally have something to look at on our pation besides snow and ice! And now look! Since we have no children of our own, and our cats have done all the growing they are likely to ever do, I'm afraid you can look forward to more baby pictures of the garden as the summer progresses.

May 26 (Right)

June 9 (Right)

May 26 (Table)

June 9 (Table)

I just wish that we had the space for more vegetables! We have already eaten two salads from the lettuce, and have fruit on the big tomato plant. Lots of herbs, and we are going to get some strawberries going. I began with a color scheme for the flowers, but did not intend to plant very many. Then people began donating pansies – color unknown – and now I have this rainbow I wasn't expecting. Who can complain? The colors are so vibrant they brighten up the greyest days we have been having, and those yellow pansies are so sweet . . . But just wait for my lilies, cosmos, and poppies. The foxglove and columbine! All kinds of treasures in wait!

1 comment:

jenzai studio said...

oh how lovely! How very very lovely!

Is gardening something that you guys do together? One or both of you obviously has/have a green thumb. I remember the wonderful garden you had in Arcada, so it must be you. : ) I'm a total retard when it comes to gardening. I have a mental block about it, the way some people do with math or computers. I think I'm actually afraid of the garden! Is that silly or what?

If you can do that with the little bit of space you have, I can only imagine what you will do when you have a place of your own.

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