Monday, December 22, 2008

Almost Christmas

It looks like it is going to be another record-breaking year in terms of snow fall around here. We are off to an amazing start. The record for snow in December is 40 inches, and we are already over 34. Predictions are for 4-8 on Tuesday, and another 3-5 on Wednesday, with more on Friday. It just keeps coming down! Right now, I'm still enjoying it.

But I am beginning to wonder how I am going to feel in February if it continues in this manner . . . and where on earth we are going to put all the snow! It is hard to capture what it really means for those of you who do not and have never lived in the stuff, so the best I can do right now is just keep putting up pics. At least this way we'll have documentation of the process at the end, when we HAVE broken all the records!

I took some pictures during the day, but I thought these night pictures showed the hills and valleys much better. I was standing on the porch smoking this morning, and I realized that I don't remember what the street looks like without the snow already. What will it be like all flat and boring? With no big mounds to peer around when pulling out of the driveway?

And still it comes down . . .


jenzai studio said...

It really is quite amazing, and you do forget, or at least I have, what it's like to actually live with so much snow. Daryl could hardly believe the 25+ foot mountains of snow in the parking lot at the mall here in SF's. And it seems hard for me to believe that I really lived here for two winters. The sad thing is that it's too cold for the girls to go out and enjoy it. We went out to play in the snow yesterday and they were all ready to come back inside after five minutes. Brrr!

kellishares said...

Yeah, even though Simon has been complaining because all our snow hasn't melted, it's still "Disney snow." I guess Simon is really glad we didn't move to Bend.

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